About Spindrift Marine

pic Spindrift Marine is a fisheries and ecological consultancy operated by Jessica Woo, and based in coastal Norfolk.


Spindrift Marine aims...

  • to provide customers with high quality services
  • to base our work both on good science and an understanding of the need for pragmatic, workable solutions
  • to be good to work with
  • to communicate clearly, in plain English with no unnecessary jargon
  • to exceed our customers' expectations

To see the range of services offered, click here.


Jessica Woo (M.Sc., B.Sc.)
Jessica is an experienced marine scientist who, until recently, worked for Eastern IFCA (previously Eastern Sea Fisheries Joint Committee). She has worked as a research scientist, carrying out stock assessments and assessing fisheries impacts on sensitive environments such as Sabellaria spinulosa reef. Much of her work has informed sustainable fisheries management within an important Natura 2000 site, and has included collaborative projects with external agencies including Natural England, JNCC and Cefas.

Jessica also has extensive experience of advocacy work, preparing Habitats Regulations "Appropriate" assessments, reviewing marine EIAs and Environmental Statements for offshore development projects (including windfarms). She is a GIS and spatial data specialist, and has considerable experience of seabed mapping work using acoustic remote sensing and grab validation.

Having worked for some time in a traditionally male sector (including a period as a fishery enforcement officer), Jessica is comfortable working with people from lots of different backgrounds, and has spent considerable time on surveys boats and fishing vessels, small and large. She is a qualified RIB driver and has all the STCW95 tickets required for working at sea.

For further details on Jessica's skills and experience, please visit her LinkedIn profile.


If a project requires certain skills not available in-house, or where additional manpower is needed for fieldwork, Spindrift Marine can draw upon a network of marine science practitioners and associates. This includes marine scientists and consultants, statisticians, bird specialists and boat crew. Equally, we're happy to collaborate with others and contribute our skills to your project - feel free to get in touch to discuss your requirements.